If you work with digital maps on the web outside the USA then the chances are you use copyright-protected data that must meet certain conditions for display on the web or printed page. Often this can be a combination of copyright statement and watermarking.
There are a number of ways to implement watermarking on your maps when you are working with the ESRI ArcGIS Server JavaScript API. In this article I am going to discuss the options and describe the implementation I have chosen.
Watermarking involves displaying an image and/or some text over the map in a way that permits the data owner or map producer to be identified and prevents the map image being reused in a way that circumvents the data license. So, the trick is to get a transparent image to display over the map in a way that the map consumer cannot circumvent. This could be achieved in the following ways:
- Stamping dynamically created images with a watermark when they are written to disk, using a server technology such as Java or .Net.
- Adding a “watermark layer” to the map service, for example a large polygon that covers the full extent of the map, symbolised with a raster fill symbol.
- Drawing a watermark image over the map on the client, overlaying it using HTML and CSS.
Each approach has its potential drawbacks, and the “correct” approach will depend on the nature of your application and the type of map data you are working with.
Which option works best?
With the JavaScript API, we typically want base mapping to come from a tiled, cached source, as it is static data, and user expectation is of Google and Bing-like map performance. In this scenario we can’t stamp a watermark when each map is requested (Option 1), but we could when each map image is written to the cache folder. The folder structure may be a bit too complex to make this practical. So, we could add a watermark layer (Option 2) above at the point of map creation, when the cache is generated. This is robust as the user cannot turn it off, but there can be display issues – what if your application displays other data over the top? The watermark will not be the top level layer. What if your maps are overlaid with other watermarked maps? The overlay of several repeated transparent logos could get messy.
If we’re working with dynamic map services only, then there are plenty of opportunities to include a watermark, but we need a server implementation (such as a Windows Service that watches an output folder) to stamp the image when it’s written to disk – which won’t work if we’re streaming the image as MIME data – or, we have to include the watermark as a layer, which the user could turn off with a simple JavaScript call.
Alternatively we could use a proxy to intercept all map requests and stamp a watermark before passing to the client. This could be done at the map server level using a technique such as an HTTP Module for IIS –intercepting the request and adding a watermark to the image when it is streamed in the response. But, in my case, I am building a web application that consumes data from many sources, so I need to have an option to add a watermark in the browser for those situations where the map service doesn’t contain a watermark layer, or where multiple map sources are combined, or where I have no access to the map server to add watermarking to the HTTP pipeline.
So, it looks like option 3 may have a role to play where the base maps are coming from a tiled, cached source, or where we don’t have the access or maybe technical resources to develop a server-side watermarking application, or where a map watermark layer could be easily turned off by someone with basic JavaScript skills.
Implementing simple client-based watermarking
Given that we now think a client-based solution is worth considering, how might we go about it?
With an ArcIMS application we’d use the Acetate layer, and with a Web ADF application we could add a Graphics Layer – does this work for the JavaScript API? Well, kind of. But JS API Graphics draw as Vector graphics in the browser – Web ADF ones render as transparent PNGs. So we’d need to bubble any mouse events that the graphics captured to ensure that map navigation through mouse interaction still works, and that other map graphics could still be drawn over the watermark. I have to say I don’t like the feel of this approach.
So, that leaves us with the need to tile or centre an image over the map (the image could contain text and/or a logo). What is the best way to achieve this?
Well, one relatively easy way is to add the watermark as if it were a map service “layer” (the JS API treats services as Layers within the map – each map Layer also has Layers of its own, potentially. I had a read of Sathya Prasad’s excellent articles on extending the DynamicMapServiceLayer and TiledMapServiceLayer objects, and thought that if the methods that returned a URL just loaded a watermark, then it’d be relatively easy to add watermarks from a static image as if they were coming from a map layer. And it was. Here are two examples of watermark layers; implemented as a Dynamic layer (that gets one image that fits the map size) and a Tiled layer (that tiles the watermark in rows and columns).
Dynamic watermark layer:
startExtent: new esri.geometry.Extent({ xmin: 0, ymin: 0, xmax: 700000, ymax: 1300000, spatialReference: { wkid: 27700} }),
//construct the layer
constructor: function(args) {
this.initialExtent = this.fullExtent = this.startExtent;
this.spatialReference = this.initialExtent.spatialReference;
dojo.mixin(this, args);
//set layer loaded property and fire onLoad event
this.loaded = true;
getImageUrl: function(extent, width, height, callback) {
try {
catch (ex) {
console.debug("Error getting Watermark image. " + ex.message);
_errorCallback: function(err) {
Tiled Watermark Layer:
dojo.declare("myScripts.WatermarkTiledLayer", esri.layers.TiledMapServiceLayer, {
watermarkUrl: "",
//construct the layer
constructor: function(args) {
dojo.mixin(this, args);
//set layer loaded property and fire onLoad event
this.loaded = true;
getTileUrl: function(level, row, col) {
return this.watermarkUrl;
This sample code checks to see if the map’s base layer is tiled, and if so, creates a tiled watermark. If not, it creates a dynamic one.
var wm;
var base = map.getLayer(map.layerIds[0]);
if (base.tileInfo == null)
wm = new myScripts.WatermarkLayer({ url: “http://www.mydomain.com/somefolder/images/watermark.png” });
else {
wm = new myScripts.WatermarkTiledLayer({
watermarkUrl: “http://www.mydomain.com/somefolder /images/watermark.png”,
tileInfo: base.tileInfo,
initialExtent: base.initialExtent,
fullExtent: base.fullExtent,
spatialReference: base.spatialReference
Basically, the Dynamic watermark layer is requesting an image from a static URL each time the map is redrawn. Browser caching means this image is only downloaded once, so it performs well. But unless you know what size the map image is, the watermark may get stretched or squashed.
The Tiled layer implementation works a bit better. When the layer object is created, it copies the tileInfo property from the base layer (read: base map service) of the map control. So the watermarkimage assumes the dimensions of each tile image, and is neatly tiled across the screen in rows. You will often know or be able to predict the tile image sizes: 256 x 256 is pretty common, so you can get the watermarks looking a lot better than with the Dynamic layer approach.
When the map is loaded, we just add a layer on top of any others in the stack of services we’re using, and hey presto – we get watermarking over the top of them all.
This approach is clearly not without its limitations. Here are the main ones I can think of:
- Dynamic images will stretch the watermark and distort it, unless your map application has a fixed viewport size.
- Tiled images will only work if your base map layer is also tiled, otherwise you’ll need to invent a tiling scheme for the map, and it will behave as if it’s using a cached, tiled map source.
- Any JavaScript developer worth their salt will be able to traverse your map object’s layers collection, find the watermark layer, and switch it off. So it’s your decision whether this approach is robust enough for the application you’re developing.
Sorry about the dreadful formatting of the code sections. Note to self: don't use Word to compose posts.
ReplyDeleteNice post, it's always a conflict between flexibility and security which in turn results in an impact on performance. Nice one, keep on blogging Ed.